A decision was made recently to trial the use of a contractor to complete some of the course renovations for this summer.
The contractor came to the club and completed all the required coring of our fairways in 2 days allowing our staff to concentrate solely on the clean up process.
Generally this coring practice would be completed by our own staff and our own equipment but would take some 3 weeks to finish.
This was an extremely successful exercise and helped up complete all coring and verti-cutting of fairways in 6 working days.
The success of this programme suggests to us that it could be the way to approach fairway renovation in the future seasons.
Contractor coring the 9th hole. Five tractor and corer units were used, completing an average sized hole in approx. 45 minutes.
A borrowed core processing unit from Sun City CC was then used to destroy cores and return nutrient material back into the soil profile. Fairways were then drag meshed to work sand into turf, loose organic material blown off and watered for 2 nights before being mown.