Thursday, 1 December 2016

Friday 2nd December 2016.

Work on the redesign and relaying of the pitching green is well underway.
The healthy turf that was removed from the 12th green site has be relaid on the pitching green area after some reshaping and enlarging.
The area to the north of the pitching green has had mounds added and these will be planted with couch creating a variety of points and slopes from which members can practice in the future.
It is expected that the green itself will be available for use in about 6 weeks with some of the other planted areas available for use a little later.
Re-turfing of the new practice pitching green.
The finished product.

Work also took place this week on the redesign and ref-surfacing of the 12th green. Couch infesting the green was treated and removed and the new green is slowly taking shape. The greenside bunker will be reshaped also to suit the new green layout. New irrigation will be installed where each sprinkler will be able to be controlled separately. We are hopeful that we will be able to open the green for play about 6 weeks after the turf is laid.
Earthworks begins on the 12th green with the removal the couch infested areas.
Site is rotary hoed after turf removal to prepare the base soil for shaping and returfing.