Friday, 20 January 2017

Saturday 21st January 2017.

Summer work projects are continuing with the upgrades of some areas around the course.

The redevelopment of the pitching green area is at grow-in stage and after some initial teething problems with the turf after relay, it is now beginning to to establish itself.

The turf itself did not take kindly to its relocation from the site of the 12th green and suffered from dry patch brought on by the presence of "Fairy ring" and also some turf disease.

This will continue to be monitored closely and the appropriate action taken if necessary.

The 12th green upgrade is progressing nicely and the green is expected to be opened in early February.

Mowing heights are gradually being lowered in conjunction with a light topdressing programme to help protect new growth and even playing surface.

Once this green is open for play it will continue to be lightly topdressed to protect from damage for several weeks.

Work is well underway with the replacement of the 6th green collar.

The encroaching couchgrass was sprayed and removed and new bentgrass collar laid around this area to increase our putting surface area.

Some couch within the putting surface will be patched out over the coming weeks in an effort to return this green to pure bentgrass.

This green should only be out of play for a short period of 3-4 weeks.

Work also took place this week on the calibration and cleaning of Groundwater Meters. Upon inspection we have found that these have been choked with a build up bacteria and other material and will need more frequent maintenance and treatment due to water quality.

These meters are a legal requirement by the Dept of Water to monitor that we are only using our Groundwater allocation under our licence.
New pitching green.
The developing 12th green.
Removal of couch collar around 6th green.
The re-laying of bentgrass onto the 6th collar.