Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Wednesday 28th November.
Work commenced this week on the reconstruction of the 8th green and it's complex.
Turf was removed from a portion of the 8th fairway and stored for re-laying once final shaping is completed.
The turf on the 8th green was removed and disposed of so as to avoid contaminating the new soil with the weed bank of Poa annua (wintergrass) that has accumulated over the years.
The whole site was then rotary hoed to break up soil layering, green site relocated and shaping of subgrade commenced.
Once final position and shape of the putting surface is achieved, a new irrigation ring main will be installed to service the new green and then sand will be imported for the putting surface from an offsite sand pit and final levels completed.
Work will then turn to the shaping and positioning of surrounds, bunkers and fairway approach before installation of irrigation stations to service these areas.
The final stage will obviously be the grassing of the site and the grow-in stage.
Harvesting of turf from fairway approach.
Turf cutting and removal of old putting surface with contamination of Poa annua seed.
Rotary-hoeing of complete construction site to break up soil layering.
Bulk earthmoving to find clean sand for construction and relocation of features.
Shaping and preparing sub-grade of putting surface to create character and fall in the putting surface.

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