Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Wednesday 12th December.

Work has progressed well on the reconstruction of the 8th green complex. Harvested turf from fairway has been relayed and the irrigation stations to serve the approach area and green have been installed.

Final levelling on the green was completed earlier in the week and the laying of the putting surface started on Tuesday. The laying of the green will be completed by Wednesday.

Thursday will see the installation of another irrigation station around the back and sides of the complex to service the surround areas and we shall also commence the returfing of the remainder of the approach and surrounds. As this is quite a large area, I am expecting that this will go well into the middle of next week.

The relaying of turf on the approach and operation of new irrigation station.

The laying of turf on the putting surface using turf grown on our bentgrass nursery for the past 9 months.


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