Sunday, 11 May 2014

Monday 12th May 2014.

With the Club Championships commencing last weekend the team have been very busy preparing the course.
Part of this preparation has involved the leveling of our bunker bases in order to present bunkers the best we can for play over the coming weeks.

With some bunkers this has involved the use of our skid steer loader to move sand off the face where it accumulates after the playing of bunker shots and returning it to the base of the bunker to fill the uneven floor and return the bunker to a more level state.

Members can help reduce the incidence of downhill stances in bunkers by always pushing away the sand when raking and not dragging back to the bunker edge. All bunker rakes are double-sided to allow you to turn it over and force sand away then rake.

We know this practice takes a little more labour but it will be a positive step forward in helping produce the best possible playing conditions.

Moving sand around in bunker to level base.

Hand working sand to blend even.

Final raking with bunker machine.

Finished product. A firm (but not too firm) bunker with a level base.

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