Sunday, 8 June 2014

Monday 9th June 2014.

By now most members would be aware of the damage to the 8th and 12th greens, 12th and 13th fairways and 8th tee that was caused by idiots in their car on Tuesday 28th May overnight.

Needless to say, staff were mortified when we realised what had happened to our course and we contacted Police to report the incident and have them attend the scene for forensic purposes.

Once this was completed we set to the task of repairing the damage.

We now finally find ourselves at the point where we have done what we can to repair the damage and now just await the grow-in of the new turf.

Both these greens are now fully in play with Local Rules applying for relief should your ball finish on an area of new turf. To hasten recovery we ask members avoid walking on new turf where possible.

Obviously these areas will play differently for some time but we shall continue to nurture these sites over the coming months. They will take some time to fully recover due to the time of year.

I thank my staff for their efforts over the past fortnight or so. They worked quickly to get the greens in particular back into play.

8th Green.
12th Green.
Early morning clean-up and repair of the greens surface.
Following the re-turfing and patching.
At grow-in stage today.

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