Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Tuesday 13th January.

Members may be aware that recent fires that originated at Bullsbrook on Saturday affected the North East corner of the club property on Monday when winds changed direction.

Damage to the brushwood fence around the 5th tee and to some shrubs on this boundary was unavoidable. This could have been a lot worse was it not for the prompt action by FESA staff and our own Groundstaff.

I would like to thank my staff for the efficient manner in which they responded to the crisis with the operation of the fire fighting unit and other protocols that were put into place.

Fire strikes the 5th tee with the 4th green in the foreground.

On another note we have commenced this week with the grooming of fairways and surrounds to improve playability. The process should be completed within a week and recover very quickly. This had be made possible with the acquisition of new verti-mower that fit onto our existing fairway mower. This allows a fairway to be groomed within 30 minutes as compared 2 hours with our previous method.

Grooming of the 3rd fairway.

In regard to the newly constructed 9th green, all is going ahead well. Regular mowing and topdressing is helping to develop some strength in the turf so that it can handle the stresses of play and traffic. At this time the estimated opening time of mid February is still very realistic. Work will commence shortly on the final preparation of the bunkers.

9th green after mowing and topdressing.

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