Sunday, 7 June 2015

Monday 8th June 2015.

We have undertaken the first turnover of machinery under our operating lease plan in late May. All machinery that was introduced into the club in April 2011 has been renewed but on this occasion we have added a mower that will be dedicated to the mowing of our green surrounds.

The reason for this is to allow us to mow the surrounds with an improved quality of cut. Up until this point we have mown these areas with our fairway mower but the heavier cutting units tend create ridging on the slopes of the surrounds and wear on turf due to weight. The new mower will also allow us to mow the surrounds at a slightly different height to allow for the more intense traffic that they receive.

Work has also commenced on the upgrade of the main roadway from the maintenance facility. This has been required for some time and the asphalt roadway will mean less run-off material washing down onto turf areas and also allow the safe movement of both machinery and pedestrian traffic.

New machinery delivered in May

New surrounds mower.

Work has commenced of new roadway from maintenance facility.

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